Tuesday, January 12, 2010


 Bila lalu kat koridor form 5 je, terbayang bayang form 5 last year. Dulu ada epy libau, now sorang sorang kt sekolah. sedih.


I wish I am lucky as you. I wish a have a perfect family, perfect friends and perfect love. I was expecting this year would be better than last year but I was wrong. Last year is much better. If  I could turn back time......

I would change everything. Every single thing. and I would kill those people who makes my life miserable. 

I'll chop their head and put it somewhere else where anyone couldn't find it. 

This is so unfair.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Hi. Saya Aishah. Bakal NERD ZAMAN KINI weewitt

Once upon a broken heart

Hai manusia manusia. Ini adalah dua pupu saya, Epy

 oh yang ni apa nak cakap pun boleh :P

Haih boring gila sekolah, cikgu husnizan, sampai hati you lupa masuk kelas I. kesian I sampai tertidur dalam lab tau. Apa dosa I kat you? Mr Zakaria dah nak pindah :(
Saya berasa sangat sedih dan tidak tergambar dengan kata-kata.
Mungkin ketulusan hatinya dalam mengendalikan sekolah membuatkan saya rasa sayang kat ayahanda pengetua tu :)
Okay, cikgu Addmaths cikgu azlan, cikgu tu best jugak la. faham apa dia ajar (memang la, tajuk senang,sape tak faham tu memang bengong sangat la)

Heish, saya benci dengan nerd kelas saya!

With Love,

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I can't believe that I cried just because of 4 Muz. You know, the class with smart people or ____. hmnn. There 26 students in 4 Muz. 4 Muz is between the pontianak class and the pocong class. hahaha So I already got all the textbooks. There were 17 textbooks that I have to carry back home -_______- So I'm in the same class with Ijaz, Syamrul, Aiman Daniel, eh who's his deskmate eh? oh yeah nafiz, chang, idk what's the girl's name,rishnia, haziq, ijat, syukri izzati khilda, urgh do i have to mention all of them? My deskmates are Izzati and Khilda. I guess that's all for today kot. Let the pictures speak.

Hi Aishah!

They are my deskmates!

He's my brother <3

Thursday, January 7, 2010

4 Muz

haih i'll be in 4 muz this year. duhh -.- 

-tak sama kelas dengan girlfriends
-shiraa :(
-syiqah and cana sama kelas. wtf how about me? :(
-nama kelas tu sangat buruk
-nasib baik sama kelas dengan izzati dengan aiman daniel
-yeah tak sama kelas dengan arep, yeahhhh!

-rasa tak jadi la nak amek acc, penaaat!
- er thats all kot.

yeah today ada apa tuu alaa haaa orientasi

Makan roti dengan telur tak masak dengan garam ewww makan lollipop beberapa minit hahaha penat gila, muka penuh dengan tepung lg. bongok laa
yeah to budak f2 prefect yang bajet tu, blah la wehh. boo sama lu!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Hi. tak jadi amek package 2, amek pure sc dengan subject tambahan iaitu prinsip akaun.


haih kene pulak pergi tuition tuuu :(